At the online MARNED Conference participants on behalf of Morocco, the European Union and The Netherlands will discuss the mutual benefits of a future cooperation regarding hydrogen as an energy carrier.
MARNED H2 conference 30 October 2020
You can watch the complete video report of the day below (YouTube)
MARNED H2 conference 4 February 2021
Below the second video report.

Morocco on the one hand has an extensive potential for the production of sustainable energy via wind and solar sources. Also, Morocco is regarded as the gateway to North Africa. Morocco has the ambition, the means and the potential to become a large producer and exporter of green hydrogen. It will not make this country oil-independent itself, it will also export a surplus of energy, that will largely replace oil in general, gasoline and diesel in particular as well as natural gas.
On the other hand, the European Union in general and The Netherlands in particular have the ambition to play a major role in the import, storage and transport of sustainable energy. The Netherlands, with Rotterdam as its main port, is the gateway to Europe and foresees a role as the main hydrogen hub for imported hydrogen via ships and the distribution of this hydrogen to the rest of Europe.
Program and speakers 30 October 2020
10:00 – Opening by Marcus Rolloos
10:10 – Welcome by Amar Harroui, Hope and Development Foundation
10:15 – Mr. Nico van Dooren, Director New Business Development, Port of Rotterdam –‘Port of Rotterdam in energy transition’
10:35 – Mr. Diederik Samsom, Head of Cabinet of the Vice-President of the European Commission – ‘The European Hydrogen Economy’
10:55 – Mr. Mohamed Ghazali, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development of Morocco – ‘Morocco and new energy’
11:15 – Pause
11:25 – Mr. Noé van Hulst, Chair Elect IPHE, International Hydrogen Advisor Gasunie, Hydrogen Advisor at International Energy Agency (IEA)
11:45 – Mr. Prof. Ad van Wijk, 3ME TU Delft, KWR Water – ‘The Hydrogen Economy’
12:05 – Concluding notes by Marcus Rolloos
Please find the program as a PDF file here:
The MARNED Conference is an initiative of the Hope and Development Foundation (Stichting Hoop en Ontwikkeling) and DeoDesk Energy Strategy Consultants. This conference is endowed by Rabobank Leiden-Katwijk.

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